Reiki info

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Reiki info
By: / Beginner
Post # 1

What is Reiki?

Reiki is an ancient form of hands on healing originating in Japan. It is a transfer of positive energy from the healer to the person they are working on. It is thought that this transfer of energy can work with the body's natural ability to heal it's self. Reiki uses different techniques to restore and balance the life force energy within a persons body. It is believed to touch all three levels of a person; the body, mind, and spirit. The word itself means universal life energy and the basic premise of Reiki is to seek to restore the flow of energy within a person whose energy is unbalanced.

Does it work?

It depends on whom you ask. The art of Reiki is to have a person become deeply relaxed so that the vibrational energy flow within can be unblocked. Any physician will agree with the theory that deep relaxation or meditation will help anyone who is deeply stressed. Those that I have personally asked if Reiki works for them tell me that after each session they feel serene to radiating a joy from within.

Is Reiki the same thing as Spiritual Healing?

The two are similar as both use the laying on of hands to heal. There are major differences though. In Spiritual healing the healer is placing their hand directly onto the body of the person they are working on. In doing so, they are taking their own personal strong energy and releasing it into the person. In effect , the healer is doing all the work and participant is passive in the process only accepting the energy.

In Reiki, the practitioner is not placing their hands directly on the person in most cases. The healer is placing their hand above the person allowing the recipient to draw any energy that is needed. So the recipient is as actively involved in the process as the healer is. It allows the person to take responsibility for their own healing.


In many cases a Reiki Master will suggest that a person go through a series of atonements. This is where the healer will use ancient sounds and symbols during a session or series of sessions to attune a persons nervous system bringing it to a higher level of energy vibrations.

Long term use of Reiki can restore the body as energy channels are opened up allowing you to deal with stress and anxiety. The key to success with Reiki therapy is regular treatments. It will not cure you of your illness in one visit; however, long term practice will compliment any medical course of treatments that you are undertaking.

The Results

The benefits of whole body Reiki treatments that are undertaken on a regular basis is allowing your own body to become in tune with itself, thus reducing the stress and anxiety that faces each day. Whether you are a healthy person or one who is undertaking series medical treatments, the inward peace and harmony that the therapy bestows is priceless.

Bright blessings


Re: Reiki info
By: / Novice
Post # 2
This is lovely info. Thanks

Re: Reiki info
Post # 3
This is nice, but there are some things that I just don't quite agree with.

Re: Reiki info
By: / Beginner
Post # 4
those are some general info. but since you are a reiki master of what i know svaldifari please enlighten us you know i want to hear what you have to say hun.

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