Aura cleansing bath

CovenNatural Magick ► Aura cleansing bath
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Aura cleansing bath
Post # 1
This is just a bath to help cleanse out your auras and energy. I find it very relaxing, try to do this in some natural lighting, i.e. noon time or night time when the moon is bright. In all honesty it doesn't matter what kind of soap or shampoo you use, because your cleaning your energy and in the process your body just happens to get a wash. :) As you go down your meridians concentrate on your energy flow. I was never sure about where my meridians are, so I just went with what felt right, and it turned out to be the correct spot, so it seems to be that your main meridians are your main veins. Go down the length of your arm, starting at the wrist, do so for both sides. and as well as your legs, some would say that the core part (torso) of your body would be most important, but I find that it's good to have a strong foundation. as you rinse off your soap, visualize all of that negativity flowing off of you. Wash yourself again but this time focus on your aura. When I do this particular cleansing, i always see the base of my limbs a stronger color than the endings (ex. top of arms are red, and fade to orange and yellow at my finger tips. the top of my leg a dark blue and fade to an almost white gray at my feet) Again, focus on your energy and aura, this is what you are cleaning.the same for your hair. my hair is quite long, so the root is read and it just goes down the color scale as you go.
I suggest this on a day when you're just grounding and having a bit of 'you' time. Tell me how it goes for you! :)

Re: Aura cleansing bath
Post # 2
oh, and the source is me, Airykah :)

Re: Aura cleansing bath
By: / Beginner
Post # 3
i will use it tomorrow and will tell you my opinion since i am going to bed soon and i already had just got a bath..

Re: Aura cleansing bath
By: / Beginner
Post # 4
It is a lovely exercise, its very effective and easy to do.

Re: Aura cleansing bath
Post # 5
My thanks to both of you :) and do let me know how it goes :D

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