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Post # 1
I think i have Empathy. I keep trying to read into my brothers emotions but i keep getting a headache.
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Re: Empathy
By: / Novice
Post # 2
everyone's empathetic to some degree, that's human nature. when you enter a room, can you signal out a single, strong emotion, and you walk over to that person? it's not just someone sitting in the corner, someone who's acting the same as everyone else, you can feel a strong sorrow [or joy or anger] hiding just bellow the surface.
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Re: Empathy
Post # 3
Very Well put, Thats the best way to tell.
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Re: Empathy
Post # 4
Locking down on one emotion among many denotes exceptional control. Just the fact that you sense emotion means your empathic. Try reading emotion from words on paper or a computer screen when the person is miles away from you.
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