Third eye help.

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Third eye help.
Post # 1
Does the third eye really is an eye on your forehead?
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Re: Third eye help.
By: / Novice
Post # 2
More like a tiny vortex-- it's very receptive, and I thought that was all it was good for, but in a ritual like the Star Ruby it's used more aggressively than just a sensory organ, so I guess it's pretty versatile. I used to feel it as a tickle on my forehead, but some pictures have it located on the bridge of the nose for some reason...
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Re: Third eye help.
Post # 3
I think I may have experienced actually using my third eye last night. I was laying in my bed before i went to sleep ( Couldnt sleep ) and i was just laying there with my eyes closed meditating and I focused my eyes on the inside part of my forhead, where the third eye is supposed to be located. After about 10 minutes i began to see this black-hole looking vortex. When I opened my eyes it was still there. Was this real, or just a fluke?
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Re: Third eye help.
Post # 4
well for me..My third eye seem to move a lot on my forehead.It didn`t gave me fear but i think i can see auras/energy.
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Re: Third eye help.
Post # 5
Whats that ritual you are talkin about Aeon
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Re: Third eye help.
By: / Novice
Post # 6
Crdp24-- usually it's a pressure followed by a tickle, but it seems everyone experiences it differently. Some say an opened third eye will bring random flashes of light, that hasn't happened to me. I had more precognitive dreams than sights of dead people-- others say dead people are the first things you see.

Mef -- does it move to other places on your forehead, or it just feels like its 'moving' in one place?

trav131 -- (There was another video where the performer's "throw" was so strong that I swear you'd flinch from the screen, but it was deleted...)
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Re: Third eye help.
Post # 7
I was meditating on it last night and i felt the pressure but no tickle... Hasnt opened yet or i presume I'd be seeing spirits and whatnot, correct?
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Re: Third eye help.
By: / Novice
Post # 8
Not necessarily spirits-- you might just know things before they happen, or see auras at first.
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Re: Third eye help.
Post # 9
Havent seen any auras or had any percognitive abilities yet...I'll keep trying =D
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