Gems and Crystals?

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Gems and Crystals?
Post # 1
I am trying to construct a post on gems and crystals, and I need some ideas. I've done research but I can't find any good information. Does anyone know good gems and crystals I could look out for?

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Re: Gems and Crystals?
Post # 2
I have a list in my book, but it is from a source on the internet.
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Re: Gems and Crystals?
Post # 3
Just post about different ways you can cleanse, program, charge, and use crystals. There's countless ways you can use them. Use them for yourself, in jewelry, to help others, to use it as a "channel", or to connect to some source of energy, divination, ect. I sometimes hold crystals and let the crystals show me images fot different things, depending on the crystal. Good luck! x
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