magic by blood?

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magic by blood?
Post # 1
hi i learned a while ago that my mam and her mam did magic(reading cards) so would that mean i have magic in my blood or could my two older sisters got the magic and i didn't and would that mean i have card reading magic and that only?

my two sisters don't do any magic that i know of.
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Re: magic by blood?
Post # 2
as i've learned from my experiences and self meditation, we all have magic within us. It is in those who have had previous family members experienced ain magic and those who are the first in their family to even have the thought of it. it's just a matter of being able to tap into your magic abilities. Some it comes naturally to them and some it takes a bit of concentration and being open minded.
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Re: magic by blood?
Post # 3
no, someone that has a parent/grandparent that was or is into magick is not stronger or better than someone who doesnt.

how would the magick "be in thier blood"?? because they learn'd about magick?? it doesnt make sense......someone with lineage is no better than someone without it.

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