Study spell

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Study spell
Post # 1
Hi all, I need some advice from some fellow wiccans. I am trying to make a spell for some to use in china to help her with study and concentration. She is having great difficulty being able to get the herbs we take for granted, like rosemary for instance.

As we all know, in a spell like this, it is the smell from the herbs which induces the concentration. I am at a loss now as to what to suggest for her. Was thinking that maybe essential oils may be the next step. But a bit cautious with this as she is in china and I can't oversee the spell. And oils can be a bit tricky.

Thank you in advance.
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Re: Study spell
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
If there is no rosemary than find a herb that is in China that is close to rosemary as a substitute. This will require you to do research on the properties of rosemary and than properties on herbs found in China.

But my question is this, rosemary can be found in stores. Now unless she is living in a part of China where you still have to hunt and farm (There are parts like that) then I can understand.

If those two fail than move on with Incense or Oil. If none of those than mail her some rosemary if it is that important.

P.s. I am pagan.
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Re: Study spell
Post # 3
I have said these things to her. I will take your advice and look into the different herb names. For now I have got her to do a simple knot spell while I look into things. Thank you for your reply :)
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