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Post # 1
I am somewhat new here. I have been researching magic, spells, grounding, crystals, stones and herbs for some time now. It gets very overwhelming. I really need someone who will take the time to teach me and lead me in the direction. I feel I need to go.

I believe in god/Jesus I believe he has a female side. This really isn't about religion to me. It is about connecting to the powers of the earth. Nudging that energy to help myself, my family and others. Learning to connect my own energy with the energies around me. Use what god and the earth has provided to heal and improve bodies, minds and souls. Even lives.

When I say I need help, I really do. From alters to moon to incense. Where to obtain the stuff. Reputable sellers not just someone looking to scam a newbie. That is what I fear the most. Being told false info for someone's use or amusement
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Re: Mentor
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
I'm not sure if I would be qualified to be your mentor, seeing that there is a tremendous age difference.

Something I have been taught, is that Jesus is a masculine representation. If you want to work with someone with similar energies to Jesus, yet feminine, go with Merlin.

Ref: (Merlin, Azez, and the Feminine Divine Class)

I do believe that all deities, entities and rules exist, yet I do not worship specifically Yahweh. I do, however, spend much of my time working with the archangels of Christianity. I can teach about much of the stuff you seem interested in. If you don't mind that I am a minor, send me a mail and I can give you my aim or skype. (Just so it is easier to communicate)
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Re: Mentor
Post # 3
Thi website will explain what a lot of people beileve about the moon,i would like to add that it is a wiccan site and not all witches are wiccans,but you can still use the infermation even if you don't follow wicca.
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