cernunnos circle

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cernunnos circle
Post # 1
I found a very fascinating blog. It really made me think. I am a bi male and the blog I read about Cernunnos Circle's. It sounded like it would be fantastic. I dont know how to find one or if they even exist. I am very interested. Any ideas would be most helpful.
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Re: cernunnos circle
Post # 2
Well I googled it. It was not at all what I was expecting. But if it's interesting, you should start one yourself. I'm sure there's others who'd be interested in it too. I really wish I didn't google it though. But hey, If its your kind of thing, I can only suggest starting one.
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Re: cernunnos circle
Post # 3
I am sorry. I should have put a warning. So here is goes. This cernunnos circle is a circle of all men that worship pagan gods sexually. It is not for everyone. The blog I found has many pictures. If that offends you please dont look at it. I am not sure if all the men are gay but its very descriptive and isnt to be read or seen by everyone. Look at your own Risk.
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