Easy Love Spell?

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Easy Love Spell?
Post # 1
Um.. 3-4 weeks ago I broke up with my boyfriend "Alec Turley". He never really liked me. OR did he? My bestie keeps tellin me he still likes you! He only got with me just to make you jelous! And I'm like "No he didnt.. Are you sure". And right now.. I'm just really confused! For some reason.. He doesnt want to get back with me..Even though he likes me.. ugh! Guys are confusing these days! Someone give me an EASY love spell?
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Re: Easy Love Spell?
Post # 2
"Guys are confusing these days!" not me....

Talk to him, show him your own feelings, otherwise life goes, get a new boyfriend.
P.s: don't use magic for such stupid reason, "manipulating others", instead cast a lust speel on yourself, to make you more atractive, bigger breasts ;) , found here on this site
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