Something with me ?

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Something with me ?
Post # 1
Ever since i played the ouija board and got into black magic, my brother would tell me that i would wake up in the middle of the night and just stay still with out me knowing that i woke up, he was scared. Until this one night he told me that i woke up, got out of bed and stood right beside the bed starring at him for a long time, then i went to sleep.Next morning he told me what happened and i cant remember a thing what happened. One time i was laying on my bed and all of the sudden i got this pressure on my chest, like if someone was pushing me on my chest, then it went away. I really want to know what is happening, can you please help me ?
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Re: Something with me ?
Post # 2
merry meet salutations welcome to being involved with the craft etc. etc. etc. this craps happens you can let it persist (the gift-hallucinations sleepwalking empathy schizofrenia etc. ) or do something about it meds protections spells etc either way it is gonna become very real to you kiddo i had to deal with it as a child at 9 next time pray to GOD to help or fight fire with fire lol i do you played with fire so you got burnt get help the powers that be are probly just messing with you trying to teach you a lesson identification of what you summoned useing that toy could help us and you to sweet dreams have fun in that otherworld )O(
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Re: Something with me ?
Post # 3
I could say it is just Karma, but would that really help? I doubt it. Black magic is not something for anyone to become involved in as you are finding out.
First thing to do is stop doing any and all forms of black magic. That means anything that involves demons, evil, hate, envy, revenge, etc.
Then start doing some of the cleansing and protection spells to rid you of any negativity and evil influences.
If you are keep doing them for long enough, you should be able to get the negativity and evil out.
Remember that any magic that tries to change the free will of another is really black magic, no matter what others call it. Casting even one spell of any type of black magic will bring all the evil influences back into your life.
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Re: Something with me ?
Post # 4
1st. A ouija board is not a game. (For those who belive in such things that is Lol) You are summoning actual spirits to you to speak with them. The same as if you summoned something as a part of a ritual. It could be a ancestor, it could be a demon, or something else all together. So for everyone who useses it treat it the same as if you were doing a summoning ritual. Do any needed clensing and above all CAST A CIRCLE AROUND YOURSELF WHEN YOU USE IT! Remember unless you actually state and summmon who you want to talk too its like picking up the phone to a random person. Anyone or anything that feels your energy can home on and talk to you.
2nd. Case in point. Spirits feel energy and they like it. Its like a tast of life again to them. So if what ever it is continues to bother you then do a banishing ritual.
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Re: Something with me ?
Post # 5
You should be carful when you use a ouija board,as for what the first person said about "black" magick,what makes magick white or black is a matter of opinon,when you used the ouija board you may have made a spirit angry,i woud do a protection and/or banishing spell if i were you.
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Re: Something with me ?
Post # 6
ok heres someways to fight it tie a string to a bell to your wrist siver iron see how it likes that hehe take a pair of scizzors cut the air everywhere you feel cold in the air toss fennel seeds everywhere around your bed stuff it into the key holes make it suffer if it refuses to leave when a spirit entity possesses you it feels your pain this is why exorcism /priest beat the hell out of the person to get it to leave that is unless you want it to be your friend most beings you can hear their thoughts Schizofrenia if they tell you to hurt others or yourself their evil if they correct you tell ya to do whats right their good they will probly not tell you their name thats fine it would give you power over them close your eyes look at your self in your mind to see them hehe smoke bomb them noise them out buddhist just ignore them through meditation they give up bothering you ask them a question repeatedly tell them to leave over and over get them to give you signs 1 knock yes 2 no etc i dont know your situation but some of this should help
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