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Post # 1
How can i summon choronzon???
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Post # 2
Might I offer some words of wisdom on the matter of summoning Choronzon, don't.
Choronzon is the Lord of Hallucinations, and to be quite honest, is not one to play well with others. He is known to impart madness onto any idiotic enough to summon him. He will surround you with his countenances and will envelop you in a web of pandemonium until your control and santity snap like a twig. He has a sadistic sense of humor and will use only the most demented and most vulgar and downright revolting images until you gag at the sight of anything. He will not stop until you not only never summon him again but no longer wish to live on this Earth. Trust me, if you are intelligent and not a complete numbskull, you will not summon him!
This is just my piece on the matter, and my warning, I will not help you commit psychological suicide, and if you find some way and use it then maybe now you know what to expect.
Not all Demons are evil, but some of them were never meant to messed with and all of them were never meant to toy with as some part of your demented fantasy of messing with forces you clearly have no comprehension of.
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