Merry meet ,its a spirit,When my ex died he appeared as a shawdow .thats how they appear, except when they try to manifest, like in your dreams. they make all sorts of static sounds esp when your being possessed, ringing in ears, dizzyness ,flashes,as well as the useual ghost activity ,cold space ,knocks and sounds, voices- mental or audible, and hallucinations ,scratches ,smells of sulfer,flowers etc.i hope this answered your question bright blessings stay safe
If you saw it out of the corner of your eye it's something good or bad watching you. If you saw it straight on it is something or one trying to manifest. More than likely its someone trying to warn you of something just think of how sand effects your life.
don't know if shadowmen make noise, but some spirits do. think of a christmas carol; the sound of the chains down the hallway when Jacob Marley appears. [can't believe i just referred to Dickens] sometimes spirits can make noise, though some people can't hear it because some can only see spirits and not hear them.
has someone passed recently? could be them stopping by. often though spirits will wander into someones home and stay for a bit. not because your house was 'build on a Indian burial ground' but because they liked the place. try talking with it, cast a circle first or wear a charm to be safe. spirits aren't all bad, most of the time, they just want to talk or be noticed by someone.
So would that applie to all goast like figures that you see in your house withen the first three weeks in a black or white cloak floating fast into someones room giving you an emotion?
Cause every time my dad has moved I always see a white cloaked figure fly extreamly fast into one of my siblings room it would be a pattern of white and black. My cousin and I do spiritual meditation together he said it could be the subconsous of the younger sibling or a guide. I did happen to smell insence one night after my dog sophie died. I fallowed simon down stairs one night cause I was curious why he always went downstairs. In the lighted rooms was the smell of insence and simon would just sit there on the couch like he was waiting for her... I also did smell roses which I beleived it was a saint visiting at that time in another house my mother used to live in. But back to the insence I smelled it every night for two weeks then it went away.