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Post # 1
hey enyone know what elemet is the month may and what can this element do and how ? plz help
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Re: help
Post # 2
element wind. well this element of the month can help you at wind spells. it can really help you if you are born on this month. and how well i never really looked that up...
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Re: help
Post # 3
i am born on this month but i'm just a beginer and how should i know if the spells are working?
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Re: help
Post # 4
it tell how a spell is working right you have to look at it's signs. like if you cast a luck spell the signs well be that your winning a lot. or if you cast a protect spell (which is harder to tell if it is working) you can do lots of things, like try to see the spell aura (Hint: the best place to look is yourself or the thing you cast the spell on). and there many ways.
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Re: help
Post # 5
can you tell me how i can moove the things that are related to my sign ?
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