I lit a pink candle last night that I had used previously. I had carved names into it and I had partially let it burn down before so that the names were only half there. For some reason I had to blow it out the first time because I had to go out. Anyway I relit it last night just for ambience really, not with any magical thoughts in mind. The flame rose to five to six inches high, I had never seen anything like it before. Just straight up without flickering. Does anyone think there is a meaning behind this. Just wondering?
If the candle is lit easily, the first time, and the flames smooth and calm, confident, which means that you have chosen the right place to work (of the rite), everything here will contribute to your magic. If you have a problem with the ignition spark, it means that external forces will weaken your work and hinder the achievement of the desired result.
If there throughout the entire rite of the candle flame is weak, a little, it seems that she is about to go out, it could mean that there is some kind of interference and obstacles, and the situation can not develop the way you'd like. The candle, as it were "not coping" with the job. Weak flames - the indicator of instability, potential losses and constraints. Nourish a warm candle power to give it strength.
If the ritual altar candles or flames jumping, swaying, "dancing" - means a situation over which you work, very hot. There are things that matter to you inflame passions, or heating up the situation. You decide whether this is good or bad for you at this time.
If you use two candles in the ceremony, each of which represents a specific person, carefully watch for their combustion. If you see that one of them burns more brightly and steadily, it may mean that this person has the power, the upper hand over the other. If the flame is jumping on both candles and unstable, which means that both people have strong feelings for each other. You need to decide is the anger, hatred, or passion.
If the flame has an unusual color (eg green, blue, red), check the value of the color of magic. It usually affects appropriate to conduct the ceremony.
Burning candles can be accompanied by unusual sounds, reminiscent of a whisper or talk. Quiet "chirping" means the presence of clean energy. Frequent, mid-range "conversation" may indicate the presence of threat, or someone else's power over the situation. Sudden, loud noises mean chaos.
Observe which direction selects the flames: deflected to the north, south, west, east, or the lights vertically. The direction of the flame indicates the kind of energy around you at work.
Thanks for your responses. It just burned straight up, like the flame on a bunsen burner and didn't move at all (or so slightly that it wasn't noticeable).
I can suggest two theories, and it may be that both are true.
First, a candle used in magick becomes an energetically charged item. Besides all the energy you personally put into it, fire itself is rather energetically powerful, and as candles are often the center of the spell any charge on other tools is directed through the candle on its way out to influence the world.
Second, spells often continue to work themselves for days after the physical spellcasting has ended. The flame may have been influenced by the magick still going on inside it. Some spells also continue to be physically cast by the burning flame burning, and relighting it may have restarted this, so you may have been observing the flame working magick.
i posted a very basic break down of the common candle flames if you need help in the future, but yes, it's a good sign, basically it's saying you will be successful.
You said if we light two candles and both the flames are jumping it means both people have strong feeling for each other. and feeling could be anything...from anger to hatred to love. Can both people be feeling different? What I mean is that is it possible that one person feels love strongly for the other and the other feels anger or hatred strongly for the first? Or the feelings/emotions are the same? My flames of both candles that I burn for myself and a man i love deeply are usually strong and steady. Once in a while both get jumpy for a few seconds and then get back to being strong and steady. what could this mean????
in theory yes these could be conflicting strong emotions, it could be a long lasting strong love. you should try skrying in the flame to see if you see/feel anything. keep in mind before the flame deviations you should meditate, clear your mind of all but the task at hand. if the flame is acting up, be sure there's no draft that could be causing it. the flame should flicker a little at first the calm down, this is when you should start studying the flame and do your deviation/skrying. if it starts to flicker again, then interpret it, but if it flickered right when you lite the wick, it could just be some wax.
I see many theories of what it could be here. If you want to take it on faith that there was a magical cause, that is cool. If you want to have proof, then you need to eliminate all physical reasons for the effect first. Is the effect reproducable? Do other candles do this when burning for the same ammount of time in the same room? Was thre anything in the make up of the candle that could cause it?
I'm not saying that anyone that posted here is wrong, nor am I saying that there is not a magical reason for it. There may very well be. I wasn't there and cannot accurately make that assumption. I'm just saying look at all the posibilities.
Nekoshemawhere did you post this, as I'd like the link to have a look at it? User173321I agree I'd defiantly see it as a positive sign. Sometimes I've had this in the past,especially in prayer & sometimes my Goddess candle will really react when I'm praying for something in regard to my children & I've always had a sense of peace & see it as a positive sign. The same for spells as spells are similar to prayers (not saying there the same)