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Post # 1
what is magik?
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Re: ?
By: / Novice
Post # 2
magick is energy found in nature. we can harness this energy to cast spells. these spells have limitations though because the energy is a force of nature and must abide by the laws of nature. spells to change you into something, turn invisible, time travel, or fly can't work because it's not in human nature to do these thing. magick can help in matters of love luck, curses, wealth and the like.

magic [without the 'k'] is what magicians and illusionist cast. this doesn't call for charging energy, but smoke and mirror's to pull a rabbit from a hat. [example] these are tricks. magick [with a 'k'] is harder, involving focus, practice and energy to work.

no spell is a guarantee though, they can be non-working or backfire, so think before you do.
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Re: ?
By: / Novice
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to General Info from Welcome.
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