
Forums ► General Info ► Paths
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Post # 1
I need someone to explain what paths there are what what do you do if you follow that path.
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Re: Paths
Post # 2

There are multiple paths worldwide. I suggest to look up some of them on Google. You have a endless list to choose from. Like Celtic, Druid, Eclectic, Solitary, Wicca, Kemetic, and more! Plus what you do really depends on you and the path you take. Your path can change over the years though especially when young. Once you've found a path look up information on it and see if you truely feel comfortabl and connected to it. You never want a path you don't feel comfortable in.

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Re: Paths
Post # 3
I think there are more paths than anyone can name.
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Re: Paths
Post # 4
And some people combine paths in order to find what fits them the best. Just throwing that out there.
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