had a teacher

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had a teacher
Post # 1
Hi I am Alithia and I had a teacher for a while but she moved. I want to learn more.
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Re: had a teacher
By: / Novice
Post # 2
how long have you been studying with her? if it's been longer than a year and a day, or it's a specific path [and even then it depends] you really don't need a teacher. you should branch off on your own and learn yourself. if you ever get stuck you can ask on the forums, but you really only need a few books on the subject, couple tools, and the confidence to work on your own.

you could also try joining an online coven that teaches your path. this way you can gather information, talk to others, and learn without seeking out a teacher to spoon feed you information.
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Re: had a teacher
By: / Novice
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to General Info from Introduce Yourself.
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