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Post # 1
I am not new to learning about magic but I am new with discussing it with others. For the past 2 years, I have been studying everything to do with spirituality especially astral projection and meditation by myself. Ever since I started getting interested in Astral, I have had the feeling of something watching me all of the time. The past few days it has gotten alot worse. It used to be this feeling of being watched. But now, I hear scraping and scratching when I am in the dark. I feel brushes of something on my arms and head. I see something in the shadows moving all of the time. It has gotten so bad that I can't sleep without some kind of noise and light blocking the sound out. I am literally going crazy because I don't know what is around me. All I know is, it makes me nervous and scared. Any suggestions on how to find out what it is? I am used to things happening around me, but I am so tired of never knowing what is going on or what is messing with me. I NEED HELP PLEASE!!
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Re: Hey
Post # 2
I am new to all this, but I have been doing alot of studying. I am not sure how to find out what it is, but you can do things to protect yourself. Before you go to sleep ask for what ever higher power you believe in to cover you with the white light of protection. You can also try some protection spells and banishing spells. Like I said I am new to all this but I am not new to this life, 40 years and counting.
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Re: Hey
Post # 3
I had the same problem, but all gets straight up if your confident and fearless.
I also used a charm made with garlic, and ofc sure it had some spell boumd in to it.

I hope that helped, but more exp. ppl will give you better directions
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Re: Hey
Post # 4
thanks. I tried that and it helped for a few days. But the other night, I saw 4 figures standing around my bed while I was trying to go to sleep. I couldn't see details, just shapes of the things, and they seemed to be talking to each other about me. They kept gesturing at me. They didn't seem to want to mess with me. I finally got tired of watching them watch me and went to sleep. After that, I don't have the same feeling of being watched. What could this be?
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