advice/help needed

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advice/help needed
Post # 1
Ok, so I keep hearing that in order for a spell to be successful you to to "will" it to be. But how exactly do you do that? Anyone have any techniques or suggestions. I saw some one describe it once as like telling yourself youre gonna get up at seven oclock in the morning, and then doing it. Same concept. Except when casting a spell youre telling the universe instead of yourself?? So do you use certain phrases or thoughts? I already know about centering, casting circles, spiritual guides, meditation and grounding. But I know meditation is really important. Any advice?
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Re: advice/help needed
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
As you do your spell, visualize the outcome. Put in all your intent to have the spell happen. Let energy flow through you to the spell. Mother Earth has the energy for you to use it. And you also have energy to use. It really depends on the spell. But visualization is key. Hope this helps. Blessings!
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Re: advice/help needed
Post # 3
Yes, it does. Thanx a lot, mobilewitch! :)
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Re: advice/help needed
Post # 4
Meditate to help you focus raise your energy and calm the mind from other thoughts.
Focus on your intent.
It's best to focus on the desired outcome than worrying about how it's going to happen.
Make sure you state somewhere in the spell "for the good of all" or something of the sort to keep it from backfiring.
Lastly act upon it. Don't just sit back. It's usually good to act as if it had already happened.
When the spell is over do not worry about it because by doing so you'll be depleting its power.
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Re: advice/help needed
Post # 5
Thanx alaricblayze
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