Some information I found

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Some information I found
Post # 1
I was scanning the internet last night and stumbled upon some very disturbing information which I thought I would share will all of you. Now you guys all know what flouride is right? It's in almost all products consumable to humans and it also has a very high concentration in toothpaste. Fluouride is infact also rat poison! In some countries (mainly America) the government are actually putting fluoride into the water supply. It is said to produce tooth decay but it has infact been recognised by some scientists as doing more harm than good. So why would the government effectivly poison are water supply? The first reason is that fluoride dumbs you down, the nazi's used this same technique to keep order in there concentration camps. The second and somewhat more relevant reason is far more interesting.

In the centre of the brain, level with your eyebrows there is the part of the brain called the pineal gland. The pineal gland is no more than an inch long and is shaped like a pine cone which is very significant but I will not get into that just now. Anyway you might not of heard of the pineal gland but it is actually your third eye or the minds eye if you will. It has a thin lens in it and is light sensitive. Some people even call the pineal gland "the souls chair" meaning how the soul connects to the body.The pineal gland has EVERYTHING to do with magic, chakras, astral projection etc etc. The pineal gland has liquid inside it but this liquid starts to calcify as you get older. When the pineal gland fully calcifys the human dies. The pineal gland also controls your gender and your ageing process. The funny thing is fluoride speeds up the process of calcification in the pineal gland which in turn lowers are physcis abilities etc and also speeds up are ageing process and where is this fluoride comeing from? Almost all food we eat and now in some countries in the watter supply and how does it get there? THE GOVERNMENT!
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Re: Some information I fo
Post # 2
Well to me it almost sounds like the gov is onto magick and trying to rid anyone from practicing their natural ability of being psychic.
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Re: Some information I found
Post # 3
Exactly! The government know alot more than you think. They actually have technology from the Roswell crash. The government know how to use the concept of how the pineal gland works to make an object which they call the looking glass. The looking glass actually allows to viewer to see into the future! They have been using it since the 1940's! Suddam hussain managed to get his hands on one of these looking glasses which is the real reason the American government was after him. All looking glasses have been disembled by the government as when one is used it releases huge ammount of energy into the atmosphere which the government believe has something to do with 2012. Whenever anyone who has used the looking glass technology to see past Decemember 21 2012 have all experianced the same thing. Everything is just a white open space and everything feels connected and as one. When the person is taken back to reality none of them could believe what had happened. Also there was a man who hacked into NASA and big military computers (I think his name was Gary Mckinnin) and he found 400 testomonies from people saying they had seen ufo's and he also found information that NASA have found a free energy source. Why do we not get this free energy source? The government cant tax us on it! The people who gave testomonies are high up astrounauts who have actually seen ufo's in space.
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Re: Some information I found
Post # 4
The Gov't is more afraid of paranormal people because they can discover the truth of things themselves - I do not purchase too much from the public market but unfortunately I drink publicly sold water. I've also heard about time travelers seeing a huge fullstop when they go to 2012 - one is story is Steven Gibbs went there and it was like a huge energy block. Can you give me a link to more info on the looking glass?
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Re: Some information I fo
Post # 5
Alright. I'm quite sick of the whole government conspiracy b.s., but I will concede that SOME of the stuff about flouride MIGHT be true. Just some preliminary research into the pineal gland can prove that, however it's useful to note that the gland calcifies in most adults well before they die, and doesn't kill you.

How can this be determined? Well, it shows up on most hospital scans and etc- you don't typically scan corpses. I wont say it has no affect on you dying, but it appears that the only chemical it produces is melatonin. This lightens or darkens the skin, to explain it very bluntly, and it is related to tryptophan, which does other things entirely.

In fact, once to help me get a regular sleep schedule, I was prescribed capsules containing melatonin. It actually worked quite well, however it had side effects. This would lead me to, personally, not discount that the pineal gland has some metaphysical significance.

I simply want to clear up the misunderstandings. Calcification of the gland doesn't really do anything that I can see. The gland often contains deposits of calcite and 'brain sand' which contains calcium. The gland shrinks at puberty, and is usually calcified in some adults- adults who are not dead. If anyone who does magick and etc is over the age of 25, and can still do magick, then it would probably be safe to say that it doesn't have any extreme ability to inhibit that area of peoples lives.


The gland exists
It might have metaphysical significance


It doesn't kill you by calcifying
The government is not trying to kill you

Now to address flouride in general..

Yes, it's bad for you. It, in fact, softens your bones and teeth. However, all it seems to be able to do is force puberty to happen sooner. Anyone who has ever gone through school or seen current schoolchildren will know this is the case, a combination of media and environmental influences (like the flouride) seem to be working against kids as they grow up. This happens because it's believed that the pineal gland also effects the onset of puberty.

But I do NOT want everyone to freak out and start saying... the government is trying to kill you... if the government wanted you dead they'd just put arsenic in the damned water. As I said before, if anyone who is an adult/late teen (after the gland shrinks and begins to calcify) can still do magick, then it's safe to say it doesnt really affect anything.

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Re: Some information I found
Post # 6
the pineal gland is what produces melatonin, as far as having to do with the aging process, intelligience or humans dying when it calcifies....I didnt find any info that stated that. i think you have been reading too much Descartes....he was the one who called it the seat of the soul....ask him yourself...wait he died in 1650.

it makes you sleep....the government isnt trying to make our pineal gland calcify, the government doesnt like insomniacs.

im not saying that the government isnt hiding things from us....they are, they always have. but please, do research first.

what site told you all this??

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Re: Some information I fo
Post # 7
Im not saying the government is in anyway trying to kill anyone but I am just simply stating that the gov may be on to the use of magick. whether or not they want to eradicate it or learn to use it themselves, they have knowledge of its extistence.
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Re: Some information I found
Post # 8
First of all the looking glass's are developed from the study of the pineal gland which is a proven fact. I never said if the pineal gland fully calcifies you cant do magic but it has something to do with everything paranormal. I wont waste my time arguing with any one over this because your entilted to your oppinion and I probably can't change your mind but if you are interested look up the 2012 enigma by David Wilcock you should be able to find it on youtube I think. This might give you some more insight into the subject. Hope this helps.
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Re: Some information I found
Post # 9
Also the pineal gland has a VAST ammount of recognision by ancient civilizations in pictures, statues etc.
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Re: Some information I found
Post # 10
If you want more information on any of these subjects just ask.
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