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Post # 1
Okay I keep getting asked this question can you make me have something or can you help me achieve something "fast" using magick. Well here is something that I should inform all newer people that join this site. Magick decides how long it takes. We do not own magick, we simply carry it and guide it as in return it guides us...Never be in a rush, because that could be bad.
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Re: Magick
Post # 2
I see it as weilding it in a respectable manner shall in turn grant us our desires. Well said.
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Re: Magick
Post # 3
I think I'd have to disagree on "Magick decides how long it takes." As the old saying says "what goes around comes around." Meaning what you send out, will come back to you.

Magick is energy, and the more energy you put into your spells and/or rituals, the faster it will complete the "circle" of going around to get back to you. Thus, magick does not decide how much time it takes, you do. If you truly need something to be done in a soon amount of time, you will put passion and a lot of energy into your spell and/or ritual.

Some believe that the God(s) control magick, as spells and/or rituals are just prayers they will receive. If this is true, then the God(s) will see that you need this done soon, and if it is meant to be, and possible, they will grant it in/around the amount of time you need.

However, if someone is asking another person to cast a spell that will happen quickly, that is a bit ridiculous. As one does not have the same compassion for something as another. Spells are supposed to be done by yourself, for there is a reason to do it, and another person doing a spell for you slows down the "circle."
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Re: Magick
Post # 4
That was to karma, and magick will take as long is it wants, no matter the case, like I said in my post, we do not control or own magick we guide it and in return it guides us. In all my words I spread the wisdom of the person I was taught by....So please rethink about that.
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