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Post # 1
Iv been having lots of questions on how to develop clairvoyant and what exactly it is, so let me explain.

"Clairvoyant" means(clear seeing) in france. Well what exactly is it? Clairvoyant is the ability to see things with out minds eye(known as the third eye), what do you see? Well that actully depedns, I see pictures of people, colours, voices etc.... Its diffrent for everyone. Its stuff that is non physical.

Everyone is clairvoyant its a matter of fact if you're more intune with it than others. For example the way more people are intune to one element than the other elements.

How do you develop it?
First of all meditation and visualiseation is a good way to develop it. Opening the third eye, working on all the chakras, mantras, a nice healthy diet can help you. But things work diffrent for each person. For me meditation helps me.

I only use clairvoyant to do mediumship readings.

Hipoe it helps

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