Need a spell for a friend

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Need a spell for a friend
Post # 1
Hi I am in need of a speel for a friend that is have lots of family problems and wants to sell her land real fast so that she can move away from them all .can anyone help me out with this .
She has been throw alot with these people and they just want stop she dose not want no harm done to them so the only other thing is for her to move .She has the land up forsale but is there anything that can be done to help her sell faster ?
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Re: Need a spell for a fr
Post # 2
Hello, I just saw there's a similar post in the forums, is that you? ^_^

I don't know any spells in particular, but maybe some modifications for removing a curse from a business or angry dirt (make it happy, attractive dirt instead and sprinkle outside your house?) If she just needs to sell the land for the money there are many money spells on the web that could give her what she needs directly.

I hope this helped.
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