Magnetism and Black Magic

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Magnetism and Black Magic
Post # 1
When Practising Black Magick, it is essential to not only work on the power of mastering energy. But also the power of mastering yourself
If you want to start developing your magnetism then you want to start learning to love yourself. You need to improve your self esteem and strengthen your core. One way to do this is to gaze into a mirror everyday and state everything you love about yourself. If you are unhappy about your image then NEVER beat yourself up for it. You want to love every part of you!
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Re: Magnetism and Black Magic
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This is true for any magic. The one of the boiled down facts of magic is that self confidence is key.
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Re: Magnetism and Black Magic
Post # 3
Sanajk, isn't that also on the lines of narcissism? If you are too self-centered you could just become a jackass...recongnizing flaws is possibly the best thing about being human, why not see what you absolutely dislike about yourself and change it? If you don't "beat yourself" up over it how do you manage change?
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Re: Magnetism and Black Magic
Post # 4
Black magicians are very strong at their core. They love themselves and are very confident in their movements and actions. They are fully aware of what they are capable of. This is actually where a lot of our strength lies. This skill when developed is called Magnetism. It is where one develops such a strong will that they can.
If you want to be a successful black magician you need to have a healthy love of yourself and everything about you. Black magicians have a healthy dose of self esteem and are confident and focused in everything that they do.
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Re: Magnetism and Black Magic
Post # 5
There is truth in your words, though I still stress that it is important to recognize flaws, A chink in the armor if you will, how is one supposed to fix their own "armour" if they don't realize it is damaged? This everending change will result in an excellent Magician. The self imporvements, such as balance of body and mind can never be successful if you don't heed the fact that you are unbalenced!

I am a magician (black magick...just intent of the spell...I can use a "white magick" spell as a "black magick" spell easily.) and I cast spells that suit me, most of them are considered politically incorrect but I really have never been all that correct anyway! The goal of EVERY user of the dark arts is to put themselves at a higher position, it's all about power, to gain the abilities formerly thought reserved for a god.
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Re: Magnetism and Black Magic
Post # 6
I just want to quote what Bledri said,

"The goal of EVERY user of the dark arts is to put themselves at a higher position, it's all about power, to gain the abilities formerly thought reserved for a god."

I mean do not generalize. practicing black arts isn't just exacting like that. Let us all admit it. We have different charges, different abilities, and we you sum it up, everything lies under the two contradicting opposites.
the black the white. the negative the positive.
d0nt be a conservative white magician. where have u learned that idea? is it based on what you've what read or what they say?
or is it something what really the inner you says.
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Re: Magnetism and Black Magic
Post # 7
anyway, i guess on the other hand, recognizing the flaws of a magician (white or black) should be handled in an optimistic way.
it means that we should not be afraid of our weaknesses.
by that, it won't affect our strenght.

there are things that we can change and there also some things that we can not.
mastering ourselves and focusing on ourselves doesn't mean plainly being self centered. it is the start. the key on mastering and loving others (life form or just stagnant energy transmitter)

i can't blame you guys. there are lots of misconceptions on black arts.
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