Spells that Don't Work!

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Spells that Don't Work!
Post # 1

Okay I was asked to do a list this time of spells that do work, but I was confronted with a very good answer to that one, it would take ages to sort through the spells and tell you guys which ones work and which spells dont; Well I am going to list the spells that do not work;

  • Well you should know that any spells inside the Fantasy Section of this site are not real, they call it "Fantasy" for a reason.
  • Controling the 5 elements or other elements are impossible.
  • Making a mirror turn into a walk through is impossible.
  • Creating physical portals are impossible.
  • Flying spells are impossible as well.
  • Levitation Spells are impossible.
  • Invisibility spells are impossible.
  • Imortality spells are impossible.
  • Casting fire from your hands using actual magic(k).
  • Faster spells do not work.
  • Taking someones heart and them living.
  • Turning back time physically.
  • hynotism with magic(k).
  • Casting lightning from your fingertips or hands.

Ect..... Wow that is a lot of spells that will not work, and still a lot more, and they thought that it would be easier to write the spells that don't work.

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