Black Magic and A.P

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Black Magic and A.P
Post # 1
Maybe these terms are wrong but, I will try to explain my thoughts. I remember a movie and you guys will probably also remember, The Skeleton Key. Of course that movie still... a movie (duh), but where I live, we have many 'paths' originated from africa, and the master or priest (I don't know exactly the name) is responsible to receive MANY spirits (another name here) in his body to exchange for some works. If you think the spirits are astral beings, COULD someone be inside another body (not with both astral body, of course) in any way ?
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Re: Black Magic and A.P
Post # 2
i'm not sure exactly what you are asking, however yes you can have some other entity in your body with you, channeling is a good example of this.
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Re: Black Magic and A.P
Post # 3
I know exactly about these entity and how they work inside physical body, but let me correct this: would be possible another person (astral body) entering the body (physical body) from another person?
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Re: Black Magic and A.P
Post # 4
i've not heard of it happening, however it seems likely enough if one could learn how to. however there could be complications with it one would be connected with their own body.
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Re: Black Magic and A.P
Post # 5
It would probably be very difficult and require a ton of practice, meaning you'd almost certainly need the permission of the person you're taking possession of, but I think it's possible. Not really practical, though, you could communicate far more efficiently through other methods and I can't imagine using this technique for anything important or stressful. Unless a person is in a deep trance (even then there are serious limitations) they can easily snap out of this on reflex, an ill-advised thing to do while your body is in motion.
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Re: Black Magic and A.P
Post # 6
I think if it was possible, would be really difficult to perform this, but it is just a curiosity, some think about stuff like energy, and astral body, etc.

Thank you guys for the comments.
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