Back to reality

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Back to reality
Post # 1
Ok so, I've been thinking, and basically I had an idea. If you think about it, most people don't (directly) believe in magick because science has outdated the stone-still thought process it (seems) that some pagans have or whatever. I think we should do an overhaul of all the worlds' thought process to make magick less... Weird.
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Re: Back to reality
By: / Novice
Post # 2
How would you make magick less 'wierd' as you put t and what do you mean by stone-still? Like a still as a stone?
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Re: Back to reality
Post # 3
All it takes is a positive mind to understand the world.
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Re: Back to reality
Post # 4
It seems like info we use hasn't been updated since the crusades.
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Re: Back to reality
By: / Novice
Post # 5
I beg to differ. Thewicca we kniw of was founded mostly by gerald gardner in 1950s, Alaxender sanders 1920ish, and doreen valiente 1980s. They mand the foundamentals of this religion though the religion o wicca is based off of a mix of the druids and vikings and sometime alon the way the roman pagans.
A lot has changed sence the crusades, and en sence Valientes time. Cunninhamn has shown in his time that wicca can be a one person and without a cirucle, attuning strictly with the earth as well as the fact that one dosnt need a covent to be a wiccan.
Now you have authors o the 1990s to now comeing up who are reforming wicca as well, conway and ravenwolf to add a few who are bringing new ideas to the peactice whike still keeping tradition.

Wicca is not simply casting spells in a dark roon with candkes, cloaks and secracey. Is about conecting ones self with a higher being or dietie, atuneing with eathand nature whike finding out who we are and finding our way. Spells are not castin fireballs or even beliveing we can, its not throwing hexes or walki g around in black pointy hats.
Its essentialy a journy walk for yourself. Finding who you are. Infact I know some wiccans who dont cast spells besides prayer and meditation.

Wicca is ever changig and vast. People who are a different religion will always attack us with words of hate because they dont understand. Its not a whole religion against us, just uneducated and closed minded people. People will always bash religions.

Magick is life. A woman and a man can make a kiving being that will grow to be a full grown person. That ismagick and science has proven that this is possible. Life exsits, a soul exsists, yet sceince cant prove exactly when its exsistance starts or where it comes from.
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Re: Back to reality
By: / Novice
Post # 6
I appologize for the crappy spelling and missing letters. Im writing on my tablet and im failing at it.
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Re: Back to reality
Post # 7
Agreed, modern magical practice simply originated in ancient traditions. Many current beliefs were developed during the 19th century and current practices are not more than a hundred years old. Magic and science are also very interrelated, I've created and discovered through experimentation much more than I have with research. There are a great deal of scientists actually researching magic and spirituality at the Institute of Noetic Sciences.
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