
CovenSpell Casters ► Beginner
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Post # 1
Hello. I'm a beginner. I'm new to this website. I have lots of magic in me, but I can't do advanced spells yet. Any suggestions?
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Re: Beginner
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
If you can't, there is a reason for this. If you are starting in magic arts, so .. you should learn the basic, and when you be able to handle all the difficult of these arts, you should try something more specific, advanced. You should have full control over the basics, then try the advanced.
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Re: Beginner
Post # 3
i recommend looking into the history if folk magic and witchcraft. to get a general idea what magic means to the rest of the world. then work your way into specific categories. there are many ways to approach the practical side of magic and practice it. their are shamanism, hoodoo, santeria, european witchcraft, nature/elemental magic and many more. explore your options! :D
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