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Post # 1
Hi guys, I am new to all of this. I have been trying to get my ex boyfriend back and tried a few spells but some of them doesnt state how long it takes to work so I dont know if they did. and did i do anything wrong by trying diff spells? love spells that is
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Re: New
Post # 2

Here we go with love spells. First of all poor ex, you shouldn't have to do so many love spells to have him come back. You only need one and if you know how to cast spells right then that one spell would have worked (even though, I don't like people messing with other peoples free will) actually by doing different spells it might have back fired and that's why nothing is working. Also, maybe it's just not meant to be, he's your ex, leave it at that, get over it, move on. Lastly, I would recommend a honey jar for you, not to get your ex back though. But, to attract someone new that god has set up for you because he will know that you want someone to love in your life.

Blessed be.

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Re: New
Post # 3
JoMadness you are in the wrong forum preaching about free will, frankly Vodou, Hoodoo, Voodoo, deal with necessity and each person is responsible for their own actions, so it is not up to anyone else to dictate that.
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Re: New
Post # 4

I wasn't dictating anything simply giving advice. She dosen't have to listen to me. It's simply my opinion and my thoughts towards the situation.

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