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Post # 1
Could aura can been seen through my shadow ? I ask this because today I practice seeing aura as usual and i see my shadow have color and it is my aura color.
I used to afaird of dark . I look in it and always see people shade I know it just my imagination but I still afaird to look in it . But one night when I am meditating . I open my eyes and not feel scare anymore and i can see some mini sparkle color , what is it? or it just my imagination?
And sorry for my bad english.
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Re: question
By: / Novice
Post # 2
I see auras and shadow people. I've never tried seeing through one to an aura. Could be your aura you're seeing when it's around your shadow. For the calmness, maybe a presence left., or one there is calming you. Unless it's not bothering you, I'd try communicating with it (them). If you don't know already, learn protection first, so you can put some up before trying this. Good luck and Blessed Be...
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Re: question
Post # 3
I'm not try seeing aura through shadow . I practice seeing aura and when I noticed at my shadow it has my aura shadow. Kinda weird because I had never seen any one talking about it . About shadow people I can't see them maybe because I haven't open third eyes .
I say earlyer when I says seen shadow people shade I thing it just my imagination.
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