Undoing Vinegar Jar

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Undoing Vinegar Jar
Post # 1
I did a successful vinegar jar against someone and I think that person has learned a hard lesson. After having a conversation with the person yesterday, it seems it might be too hard against them. How does one cancel a vinegar jar? Same as others with white candle prayers? Honey jar to bring back some sweetness? Note, I don't plan on restoring everything to normal. Just stop the effects from going further. I flushed the contents and disposed of whatever wasn't suitable for going down.

Very impressed with the results by the way. First time I did vodou and it worked great. Slow but steady.
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Re: Undoing Vinegar Jar
Post # 2
Well, rethinking, not the first time but one of the first. First time I messed up on a few things but this time I got it right.
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Re: Undoing Vinegar Jar
Post # 3

You didn't do Vodou you did a Hoodoo or Conjure working.

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Re: Undoing Vinegar Jar
Post # 4
Ah gotcha. Like I said, early steps in that direction. Any way to stop the effects of it?
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Re: Undoing Vinegar Jar
Post # 5
No offense but It sounds like you should have know how to control it before you did it. I do not use hoodoo so can not be of assistance other than to hope you learn a lesson from this. Never mess with a magic until you know what you are doing. :-) Good luck.
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