The Nightmares.

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The Nightmares.
Post # 1
I can remember almost every nightmare I've ever had since I was 2 years old, but I can't remember a single bloody thing about my dream last night other than it was slightly pleasant. Any ideas n why that might be?
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Re: The Nightmares.
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
Nightmares can be quite frightening, and are often remembered on awakening. Pleasant dreams, on the other hand, are very often hard to recall.
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Re: The Nightmares.
Post # 3
Yeah but I can remember a nightmare from when I was two. I can't even remember my house from when I was two. Kinda odd that thing that stuck with me for 16 years and counting is a dream. It wasn't even a true nightmare if I'm honest. Just bedroom, T-Rex, done.
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Re: The Nightmares.
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 4
some people work to forget their traumatic evens (and yes, nightmares can be such for some). Some people remember them all. It can be odd, but there's not a lot of mystery to it.
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Re: The Nightmares.
Post # 5

As stated above, it happens. Most often we remember the more negative or vivid dreams most. Why? Dreams are our subconscious mind trying to work out issues and bring them to the surface. If you are remembering them very clearly I would suggest writing them down and seeing what you are missing.

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Re: The Nightmares.
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Astral Projection.
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Re: The Nightmares.
Post # 7
Your mind forgets dreams because your brain tries to separate what's real from what's not and it knows the dreams are not real so it doesn't bother to recall them. However it is a subconscious process so it is heavily based on emotional influence of the dream and nightmares are heavily emotional so your mind decides to remember them usually. Also when your younger your imagination is more active and you have a less strict idea of what reality is so your mind doesn't determine real from not real as well.
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