Fluffing: Just Why

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Fluffing: Just Why
By: / Beginner
Post # 1

The fluffing on here can get pretty bad. I was wondering if anyone has ever gotten the truth about why they fluff from a fluffer.

What are they getting out of it?

In all honesty i believe magic is a powerful supernatural force that gives everything meaning. Most people would call that having a religion. So I find it a little offensive that people would go out of their way to fluff, bs, and misinform.

It goes beyond just posting on the forum, where I can see five people jumping down a fluffers throat at a time. They also post nonsensical spells and rituals, ruining what would otherwise be a great concept, and giving a foolish and sometimes unethical face to magic users. Theres no way to even comment that a spell seems bogus.

So I was wondering if people had ideas on what do about them on this site.

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Re: Fluffing: Just Why
Post # 2
I have an idea! Maybe from now on, all who apply to spellsofmagic.com have to pass a small entrance exam, just to see if they're the real deal, or just a fluff. The fluff on here has gotten way out of hand. But its really up to pet on how do deal qth the fluffs since its his website
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Re: Fluffing: Just Why
By: / Beginner
Post # 3

I personally think making the site more open would improve things a lot

Letting people comment on a review section for the spells would reveal a lot and may also show which real spells are most effective.

Each person should only get one vote on a spell per account.

There could be a fluff button for people to click on for fluffy posts on the forum and spells. The results would be private, but at the end of the day, the mods and admins would see which people had the most fluff and could downgrade the users reputation

The "Fluffer" reputation level should be invisible to the actual fluffer and visible to the public. Otherwise they'll just know to make another account.

I don't think an admissions test is a good idea because people come to this site knowing nothing and wanting to learn

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Re: Fluffing: Just Why
Post # 4
that would be abused in so many ways. people would just be pressing the "fluff" button because they lost a argument or didnt like this person or just dont believe in that type of magic and would believe it as fluff.
i do believe a review on spells and rituals would be nice so the maker of the ritual or spell could see what other people thoughts and opinions on it but i would think it would be better if people who comment on the spells or rituals have to actually try it out first before actually doing the review otherwise its solely base off of personal belief.
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Re: Fluffing: Just Why
Post # 5

Personally I feel people focus to much on this. If you know magic you know what is bogus and what is not. Heck if you have common sense you should understand it. Given that, educate or ignore. That would be the best way to work on it. If people just whine about "fluff" all the time we wont get anywhere.


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Re: Fluffing: Just Why
Post # 6
I agree with Ere. Fluff is because we get new people to magic every day who when they here magic think of what they see in the media. Don't hate the people who write books and movies because of this. They're simply people who are expressing their creativity through these methods and that is not something that shall be restricted unless you wish to infringe on the rights of people. Although I think the best solution would be for when people make a post there's an inform fluffy button and it just automatically inputs "read this:" and a pink to a page explaining why such things aren't real.
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Re: Fluffing: Just Why
By: / Beginner
Post # 7

That's why a fluff button wouldn't create an automatic response. It would only be a sign that a moderator should review the post.

Plus you should should only be able to fluff button a person once per thread and just once per bad spell.

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Re: Fluffing: Just Why
By: / Novice
Post # 8

I vote no on all these ideas and agree with Ere.

Personally, the members of this website that attack what they define as "fluff(y)" make the magical community look just as bad as the fluffies themselves. As I stated to someone in chat earlier today, if you step outside of this website, the definitions of fluff and fluffy change. When I pop over to the Kemetic Orthodoxy website I find real, valid practitioners who are otherkin/therians, I find people who honestly work with heka which allows them to assume the form of a god (Ritner has an excellent book explaining this concept) while performing it, I find things that the members of this website consider fluffy.

I've been actually mocked by a leader within this website for discussing the assumption of a god's form, who I later explained to in Wiccan/New Age terms and suddenly it wasn't fluffy. I've asked for explanations on why therians/otherkin are rejected here, when clearly the magical community is beginning to understand that some of them are being honest by stating that they have an unusual spiritual connection to an animal. I've brought up the valid experiences I've read about godspouses, which has been rejected by this site's leaders as fluffy.

Personally, I think upg isn't fluffy. Yes, sometimes it's not right. Sometimes we're confused and later we actually get what's going on. But it's not fluffy. I may not agree with the upg, but I don't have to be to respect the person as a person. I may be disgusted by someone claiming to be a godspouse of Serqet, because "what does that make me to them?" I can state that there is nothing historically proving that godspouses existed in ancient Egypt. I can make a whole argument why it's just morally wrong to me. But that doesn't change that they had that experience, it only makes them feel terrible for it. I've seen people, so filled with doubt from sites just like this one that they doubt themselves and their experiences to the point that they give up.

Also, the current ranking system does have a fluffy ranking. It was made invisible to everyone who can't vote because people ranked as fluff became upset about it. I could count on one hand the number of times I ranked someone as such back when I was ranked Knowledgeable.

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Re: Fluffing: Just Why
Post # 9
If people who actually practice magic do not call people on fluff then new and naieve users may be mislead.
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Re: Fluffing: Just Why
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 10
Valid points, Sata. I think I am less tolerant here, to be honest, because of the greater population of youth that seems to exist here rather than on other sites and in other such venues of like-minded exploration. Too often I've found when valid concepts are explored in terminology that can readily be misconstrued, it results in a whole flurry of roleplay and ridiculous behavior that then needs to be reigned in.

It can be rather frustrating, as I'd like to be more open minded and tolerance and have more open debate and discussion.

But, like I said, when people start discussing things like otherkin, the line between discussing what one feels to be a kinship to a certain type of spirit and believing that one -is- a specific kind of spirit gets very blurred. And that's a rather tame example of where actual magical practice and discussion could go awry. There are deeper, "true" topics that could go far more wrong.

That being said, any sort of entrance exam or deeper rating system, in my opinion, becomes an unnecessary complication. There are already a great many people that see all such things as an aspect of favoritism rather than a reflection of a general vote from the community.

Down vote any spells you see that you feel to be fluffy. Voice your opinion in comments on forum posts. There's no need to over complicate it, or be mean or nasty or redundant. If you have something to say that somebody hasn't already said, speak up. *shrug*
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