Finding a tomb !

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Finding a tomb !
Post # 1
We moved outta town...and every year on stepfather goes to our old town to find the tomb of his grandparent...but he cannot find it anymore...does anyone know a way to find a tomb without being in that graveyard?

Thank you in would mean a lot to my really hurts him because he always loved his grandparents and he feels bad when he sees he cant honour them with atleast a candle...:(
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Re: Finding a tomb !
Post # 2
Any help...please ?! :(
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Re: Finding a tomb !
Post # 3
Try some divination, simple looking in the transparent bowl of water or smoke will do. Or meditation. Ask a concrete question and clear your mind. If you think he is not at peace, you could also try to contact him, though I don't think it wise.

Good luck.
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Re: Finding a tomb !
Post # 4
Well...i talked to him....i do it all the time...the problem is that he doesnt wanna tell me where he is...i mean my fathers grandfather....he says i already know where he is...but i dont know the exact location...and it hurts me to see my father so sad...:(
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Re: Finding a tomb !
Post # 5
he could show you?
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Re: Finding a tomb !
Post # 6
well...thats the problem...he doesnt wanna show me...he says i already know where the tomb is....but i cant seem to realize where it is....:(
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Re: Finding a tomb !
Post # 7
well, I know one way, It's a bit long, and if you don't do it right could be well as it is pushing the spirit around.
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Re: Finding a tomb !
Post # 8
Im willing to asume any risk....even die...believe me...
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Re: Finding a tomb !
Post # 9
Did you share your findings with your father?
Perhaps he can help you with that.
I suggest continue your scrying.
Perhaps there is a way to force him to talk but it seems rather cruel because I don't have the impression that he is unrest.
If your father is into this, he could ask him. He is after all his blood.
Bledri, please do share a way to discover this if you know. I never did anything of the sort before.
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