wiccan and pagan

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wiccan and pagan
Post # 1
Can anybody tell me what is the difference betwwen wiccan and pagan?
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Re: wiccan and pagan
Post # 2

Wicca is a specific pagan religion. Wiccans belive in two deities, the Horned God and the Goddess. Lark has an amazin forum post about what Wicca is and isn't that I would highly recommend any who is interested in Wicca to read.

Pagan decribes any religion that has multiple deities. All wiccans are pagan. Not all pagans are wiccan.

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Re: wiccan and pagan
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3

QuietStar is correct.

Wicca is a very specific religion with very specific beliefs and practices.

The term "Pagan" is an umbrella term that covers a wide variety of religions of which Wicca is only one. Although there are some similarities amongst the Pagan religions there are also significant differences as well.

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