Candle Burning

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Candle Burning
Post # 1
Hello everyone;
I've been burning (3) 7 day candles, two greens (1 for money,1 for open road) and a white candle. I notice they started out burning well and the white candle burn really fast. Now the two greens are burning really slow, and they both looks to be going out, the flame is just that dim. Is there a reason for this? I don't want to bother them, hoping the flame will pick up a burn out normally. All comments are welcome. Thank you

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Re: Candle Burning
Post # 2

If they're in a small room without much air circulation, it's possible they're not getting oxygen fast enough. I would suggest leaving a door or a window open slightly, just to get the air flowing a bit.

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Re: Candle Burning
Post # 3
I agree that leaving a window open would be helpful, but if you are really worried, you should always follow up on your instinct, and maybe do some divination on the matter. If only to set your mind at rest because worry is counter-productive to desired results.
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Re: Candle Burning
Post # 4
I have a huge room, with doors open and window. By the morning time both continue to burn slow, until completed. Thanks :)
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