First allow me to introduce myself my name is Robert and i im fascinated by the mystical arts. i also need a master for i im quite misguided in a way. but i really need help i might be POSSESSED or have a sprite following me signs are during past meditations are seeing a shadowy figure manifest while trying to speak to archangel Michel second time i asked if their was anther entity in the room and in the back of my head i herd yes then a soft pressure showed a pone my chest stunning my breathing not to menchin my dreams have been drifting to the nightmarish side of things so if its not to much to ask for i could yous some help
Archangel Micheal protects us and helps to keep us safe. Those of us that use him I should say.
Maybe try meditating on the spirit you have with you. Also listen to it carefully it may be trying to tell you something or asking for help. You could also maybe try Scrying or some other way
A good way to feel out if it has good intents or bad is if you can feel out energy of your surroundings and if it has bad intents it will feel angry or impure and thick and harsh or synonyms of those words. Good would feel light and flowing pure basically. There are many different kinds of spirits tho and i don't think all have revealed themselves so there could be more no one even knows about.
You don't summon an archangel, you evoke them, call them to you. Archangels can and will help people when they can, whether the person is aware of their presence or not. However, a prayer, ritual or spell designed to call the arcangels can work, though if you're trying to force them to appear, chances are you get them angry (or just offended).
This spell invokes the power of the elements to drive out a demon or spirit.Virtus tempestate mihi de te, quod ignis potestatem super te, ego interitupotestatem super te potestatem super te in lucem dedi. Atque ego proiciam vosspiritum immundum. sancta discessit, aut dissipabuntur in ignem. Precipio tibirelinquo, relinquere cogunt vos me vade et vinci.
what you is to meditate and think good thoughts for 3-5 minutes thaen chant, goddess of light, god of power make this evil spearet fly away forever. chant that about 3-5 times message me if it works please message me if it does not please no rude comments i am new at this so please