new witch

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new witch
Post # 1
How do you write your own spells?
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Re: new witch
By: / Novice
Post # 2
do you know anything? just being blunt, not mean. this is like a baby trying to run when they can't even stand. [you claim to be a new witch and already want to write spells] if you know the basics and understands spells, how they work, and why, then you could try writing your own spells but if you are still in your early days [year and a day ritual for example] then look up the spell in a book because there a 99% chance there is already a spell to help you [provided you are looking for a spell that actually works]
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Re: new witch
Post # 3
its depend on type of speell . some times i deiced what i want and then i diced , i want add wich deities power or i want coect my spell with wich power ,then i add herbs crystals or any symbol of power for charging.
also i attune my spells to reiki it is my choice. you are free you can email me also.
see you
regarded the best wishes
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Re: new witch
Post # 4
If your a new you probably don't know enough to write your own spells. You need to understand and know how magick works first. If you don't have a decent understanding of the basics you probably shouldn't even try. After you learn the basics tho it will likely just come to you and you'll know how.
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Re: new witch
Post # 5
Do some research before creating spells. Make sure they are not fantasy and will work.
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Re: new witch
Post # 6

There is a lot more than researching to make sure the spell "works", spells are more like prayers or wishes that we would like to be fullfield. Now sometimes this wont happen, and mostly always will have hard work on your part. Before you run, you must walk, before you walk, you crawl, there is no two ways about it.

This is not like your homework, you can't just look up online and cheat, you must study and practice. You must also know that magick will not instantly work for you, it will take as much time as it needs. Spells must be logical in some form, this means it must be against the laws of nature.

So before you think about writting spells, I suggest you learn about magick, how it works, what is energy, how it works,..etc. This can be found in certain books, certain part of this website, ...etc.

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Re: new witch
Post # 7
For the record it's like school except for life if you choose the path of magik. You do study and you learn.You can't learn too much.
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