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Post # 1
How can I protect myself again psi vampires? I believe I have been attacked in the past by one.

I don't know for sure if he is one, can someone help me? I met him back in my junior yr of high school. We will call him JB. He was dating a friend of mine at the time, and I noticed he kept staring at me. Yea, he liked me then, but I always felt strange around him. His eyes were hypnotizing, like I couldn't look away. He just scared me altogether, and he eventually got expelled from school.

I believe he still tries to feed off of me. Can someone help me?
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Re: psi
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
The best defence agaist a psi vanp is to have a good sheild. Sheilding is the when you create an energy barrier between you and others. Some make it a wall, some make it waves, and some make it swirl. You can create your own through meditation. Imagine your energy sheild in the way that works best for you and keep it in mind even after you are done meditating.
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Re: psi vamps...protectio
Post # 3
thx! i'll have to try that.
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