My name is Kaldonis, but you may call me Kal for short. i joined SOM in hopes that i would find some ways to better control the dark and evil entities that are always looming in my life. I am very skilled in elemental magics such as Earth Water Air Fire Darkness Light and Energys. I am most fluent in ice and attempting to learn more about darkness.
I have always said that there is darkness and there is light. there is good and there is evil. Though evil is often called "the darkness", please know that darkness in its self is only as evil as we see it. darkness and light are just elements, because evil can appear lighter than you think...
I am also currently studying a particular thing called dust. it is most commonly found in nature as a crystal and it's magical properties can be activated through Aura.
I also hope to learn through my coven the arts of divination. i have already become a novice astral projector but i require help form other deities. Mother earth, Gaia, the ocean or any water spirits around.
Well that's it for now i suppose. you can contact me any time if you'd like to know more about myself. i will be getting on more.
Re: My name is Kaldonis By: Lark Moderator / Adept
Post # 3 Sep 23, 2014
Are you talking about " dust " as in the book " The Golden Compas s"? If so, that is a fictional concept and not a true Element in either the Eastern or Western schools of magic. I will admit that the author's description of dust and what it can do is a fascinating one.
No, Lark--I'm pretty sure that Kaldonis means "dust" from the YouTube original series RWBY .
Kaldonis, it says on your profile that you're not roleplaying, but when you make up words without naming your tradition (even if that tradition is chaos magick or fictional reconstructionism / pop culture paganism) and owning up to how it's what you call it and not make some grand claim that it's what this "is called" and "is found in nature", then that's just dishonest.
He's allowed to believe what he wants, but when he expresses it as if anybody else believes it to (when nobody else does ) then he'd be rightfully called out on it. I believe some really weird stuff, but I name and categorize the tradition, philosophy, or if it's only from my personal experience/opinion.
You should check out newbie central. As well as the articles som survival guide, chatter rules, and getting started on som, and as toxic dragon said join a coven. You can't add spells until your a council member, and join a coven of your interest. And don't add nonsense spells like become a vampire werewolf dragon etc. that's my advice.