The Art of Death

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The Art of Death
Post # 1
So, what many of you may or may not know about me, is I'm actually an artist. Lately I have been working on a lot of heavily thematic work. I will post progress on these works as they are completed and show them here. Because of the size of these works they will only be shown in high resolution pictures.

Each picture is titled in the emotion it is meant to convey, but if you look you will find a lot of other themes in each picture.

If a work is Unfinished, it will say so near the title. Please respect this as many longer and more detailed works may take days to weeks and involve multiple layers of coloring, the primary medium is watercolor paint and pencils so things must be allowed to dry before they can be elaborated on.

Because direct linking and image posting is not allowed, you must copy and paste the links into a window to view them.

Current Work - Despair - Unfinished This is meant to show detail on the webbing.
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Re: The Art of Death
Post # 2
Hey there good! Post up some pics when there finished! Are you on deviant art btw???

Blessed be LadyO
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Re: The Art of Death
Post # 3
The second layer of paint is drying it's pretty much done once it dries.
I am on deviant art but I don't post very often. So theres not much point posting it lol I only log on to browse and favorite stuff.
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