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Post # 1
So, quite recently, like, a month ago, my uncle gives me a small piece of furniture he no longer wants, so I cleaned and cleansed and blessed and purified it (it had been in his room forever and had--still has a little bit--candle wax all over it and such and just a bunch of things, long story) and am now using it as my altar. I'm Wiccan and have heard that you need an altar (I don't really know if you NEED one need one, but I like having one and it's very nice to have a specific place to pray, meditate, and do magick), but I never really had one before the one I have now. Before, whenever I prayed or meditated, I would put candles on my window sill and then take them down when I'm done. I had wanted an actual thing to designate as my altar so I could have a place to continuously keep the things I set up as an altar. Now, I don't really talk about these things with my family whom I live with. They don't go into my room, which is where I've set up my altar, and they don't ask questions. So, just yesterday, my uncle moved some things I had set up in a very specific way on my altar and I told him not to do that. He said, and later did, he would put some things on it for me that really had nothing to do with my altar or anything and I told him to please not do that. He asked why he couldn't touch my altar or move things or set random things on it and I told him that it's because that's where I pray and meditate and it's very special to me. He still put things on my altar and moved some of the things I had set up there. I asked him very specifically not to do that and that if he needs to give me something either put it in my bathroom or throw it in my room. But still he messed with it and not only is it special to me and sacred and everything I'm also very sensitive about people touching my stuff and moving it and going through it. I would like to know if anyone has any tips or suggestions on telling him not to mess with it?? He doesn't seem to listen exactly but I think he should know it's important enough.
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Re: Altar
Post # 2

I don't know exactly what your uncle is like, but I can say from experience that sometimes its better to give in a little.

That is, what I would suggest is taking everything off your alter when you're done meditating/praying, just as you always had, and put a cloth over it (the alter). That way, your special items will not be touched, and even if your uncle comes and leaves something in the room on the alter, it will be on the cloth, not on the alter itself.

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Re: Altar
Post # 3
Okay, thank you, but I don't have any cloth for it. But I could put away some of the things.
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Re: Altar
Post # 4
I had that problem once, I just put a padlock on my door
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Re: Altar
By: / Novice
Post # 5
Is there a reason why you can't tell your family you're Wiccan and the 'table' is being used as a sacred altar? If you can't, or he still doesn't listen, psmiths suggestion of a lock is a good idea. You could also try a protection spell on your room, but it won't stop people from entering, but unwanted visitors might feel uneasy.
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Re: Altar
Post # 6
You could also move the altar and put an invisibility spell on it. It won't literally become invisible but people just won't notice it.
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Re: Altar
Post # 7
Well, I do have a locking door, but there is no way to unlock it from the outside, so I would just be locking myself out. Also, I've no where else in the room to put the altar which is why it is where it is. I have a very small room and my bed takes up half the space. I don't talk about being Wiccan with the family I live with--though my uncle knows I am and keeps insisting he knows everything about Wicca and witchcraft--because I don't want my grandparents looking down on me. I'm 18 and prior to being Wiccan I was agnostic. After my father and his wife found out I became Wiccan about a year ago, they kicked me out and sent me to my grandparents'. I'm 18 now and I've kind of always been able to take care of myself and think for myself, but my grandparents still see me as their grand baby. They're Christian, but old. They're nondenomination and while they've recently become accepting of things like homosexuality and the gay community, they aren't that way with witches and pagans and some of their fellow church members (who are even older than them) talk about paganism as if it's a highly negative thing. Also, every now and then, though my grandparents still think I'm agnostic, they kind of try shoving their beliefs down my throat. I do not feel as if I can be open to them about my own beliefs and I do not want to start anything. All I ask is that people don't touch my stuff, especially things like books and my altar. I honestly don't know what my grandparents would do if they found out that my alatar is, well, an altar.
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Re: Altar
Post # 8
Also, how would you do an invisibility spell? I know it won't make something see through (which would be cool but then it's ridiculous cuz even if it was possible I could never find it myself lol)
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Re: Altar
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 9
Your first post said, "they don't go into my room". But, obviously your uncle does. Tell him to keep out of your room, in no uncertain terms! You are not a child, you are an adult.Stick up for yourself.I know it's not easy when you are living in the same house, but you should not tolerate such behaviour. A young woman your age needs her privacy; and this is an invasion of your privacy. So, tell him, "This is my room! Stay out of it!"
Do you think that would cause arguments in the home? Yes, it certainly would!
So do what the previous post advised. Fit a pad-lock!
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Re: Altar
Post # 10
Okay, thank you, Brysing. Normally, my family asks before going into my room, but my uncle didn't listen to me that time. I don't know how they would react to a padlock, but it does seem like a good idea. Thank you everyone.
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