Past life?

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Past life?
Post # 1
I am interested in seeing my past lives. Does anyone know a safe way to do this? It would be greatly apprieciated!
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Re: Past life?
Post # 2
Get into a meditative state and visualize a movie screen. Ask your guides to show you your most recent past life on the screen. Also ask your guides to look after you, because sometimes your past lives can be very traumatic. If you guides tell you not to look into your past lives, don't, because you aren't ready to see them yet. If you are ready to see your past lives, your most recent one should appear on the screen. Watch it. Learn from it. Thank your guides.

Alternatively, there are tarot spreads designed to tell you about your past lives. I'd do one for you when I can find the time.

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Re: Past life?
Post # 3
Meditation is the key to this. You can also visit the akashic records via astral projection. You can also have a past-life regression. ningyou is right on it too.
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Re: Past life?
Post # 4
Thanks guys!
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Re: Past life?
Post # 5
No problem, we’re all here to help. :D
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Re: Past life?
Post # 6
I personally see no point as I don't believe in a past life. How is it possible that a completely different brain could hold the memories of a deceased persons brain. Makes no sense, right?
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Re: Past life?
Post # 7
I think you read the soul's journey, nothing physical. You access consciousness itself.
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Re: Past life?
Post # 8
The bodies are different but the soul stays the same and retains all memories from previous bodies.
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Re: Past life?
Post # 9
I'd like to know where you get this "soul" from sperm.
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Re: Past life?
Post # 10
So, you don't believe we have a soul?
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