Strengthening spells

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Strengthening spells
Post # 1
I'm pretty inexperienced when it comes to actually casting my spells, although I have used a few protection spells. What I really want to know is how I can enhance my strength so that I can start to use dragon magick better. Or any magick for that matter. As long as it doesn't require me getting a bunch of supplies, I would love to know any techniques. But it needs to be somewhat subtle, as my parents refuse to let me study magic, as they are close minded and say that I have to be a christian.
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Re: Strengthening spells
Post # 2
you might want to listen to your parents because sometimes they will let you have what you want if you surprise them by listening to what they say it is called reverse psychology
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Re: Strengthening spells
Post # 3
Believe me, they don't care. All they did was mock me.
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Re: Strengthening spells
Post # 4
I feel you, my parents mock me at times, mostly due to being skeptics, i was trying to explain something and then as soon as I said "Wish spell" my mum told to shut up and stop talking nonsense. It's quite annoying actually. but earlier se did ordered the Raider-Waite tarot deck off amazon xD
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