Topics for videos.

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Topics for videos.
Post # 1
Blessings everyone.

So I'm currently making a YouTube channel about Books and The Paranormal, Witchcraft, Wiccan, Paganism etc. I was thinking maybe I should ask people on here what they would like me to talk about so for example Norse Mythology or Demonology or even the basic stuff. So if you have any suggestions for topics please leave them here. I will put up a link to my YouTube channel by Tonight. I will also make a list of them in my Notebook for reference.
Blessed be, and have great Yule.
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Re: Topics for videos.
Post # 2
I would say to start with the basics. Many newbies come into the craft expecting to shapeshift, or do what the hollywood,media called, ''witchcraft'' or, ''magic''

I also suggest telling them what witchcraft is, and isn't. Also maybe the history/origins of the craft.

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Re: Topics for videos.
Post # 3
Sure, I guess that's a good way to start. Especially considering a lot of people say (that I know) it's "Satanic" and get confused between the definitions of Occult and Cult. Etc...
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Re: Topics for videos.
Post # 4
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Re: Topics for videos.
Post # 5

Yes, talking about the basics of magick is a good start for videos. Also i think a little bit of history of where magick came from and how it works a good topic for videos. :)

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