Say for example, a spell calls for three white candles. Can you use tea lights or do they have to be votives? Just wondering if this creates problems with casting correctly.
Tea lights are fine. Remember, you do not need anything for a spell except yourself, belief, and intent. Candles, incense, wands, staffs, those are all used by personal choice. It is up to you and what works best for you.
Re: Candles Used in Casting By: Lark Moderator / Adept
Post # 4 Jan 11, 2015
Any sort of candle will do just fine when doing a spell.
I wouldn't normally use the big pillar candles because they take too long to burn down unless I were doing a spell that required lighting the same candle on multiple days. In that case I like to get the candles in jars for safety. I might use one of these if I were sending healing energy to someone and wanted to keep renewing the energy working for several days. In that case I might do the working in the morning, let the candle burn all day, then extinguish it at night before I go to bed for safety's sake. I'd then repeat the process the next day.
But if I want to do a spell that calls for a candle in normal circumstances then I want the candle to burn completely as part of the spell. For spells like that I lean towards using Chime candles (small candles about 6 inches long), votives, or tea lights. (Tea lights are great because you don't have to deal with melted wax). In a pinch you can even use the sort of candle you'd put on a birthday cake.
Thanks for all the comments. I have always used tea lights because they're small and easily disposed off. I just wasn't sure if it would change anything if the type of candle was different.
Re: Candles Used in Casting By: sunshinerain / Beginner
Post # 7 Jan 11, 2015
if your crafty try making some! its fun, and you can personalize for the use or spell! try using melted wax mixed with crayon for color (big brands work best because they are mostly color which is why restaurant crayons are so waxy, they have little color mostly wax)
then pour carefully into a mold but not glass! you could break it, unless the glass isnt too cold. also remember to add a wick :D try plastic or cardboard! then either pop it out (carefully... this part can hurt because its so easy to pull out the wick) or cut it out to fit the shape of a glass container, or whatever container you choose. :D i have a trick to add herbs and sents if you want! just mail me!
Re: Candles Used in Casting By: sunshinerain / Beginner
Post # 9 Jan 12, 2015
lol no problem! i love making candles too but i find i have a shakey habbit of pulling out wicks! :P i usually just do dipping now unless i feel like going crazy from all the dipping
ever tried making a pentagram candle? it sounds kinda weird, but kinda cool. a candle that is made to be a pentagram (like a star not a etching into it with 5 wicks that burn into the center? if you havent, thats great! i just thought about it :) and i think i want to try it.