To know the culprit

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To know the culprit
Post # 1
Hi. It's my 1st time here. I joined because my car was robbed of so many things including plane tickets and accomodation to a trip this July 6. Unfortunately nobody saw the incident so the police doesnt have a lead. I want to learn a spell (very effective and fast acting) that will make the person/s who did the crime guilty to the point of surrendering himself and my bag to the police. Is there such a spell or magic? Please help. I am desperate.
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Re: To know the culprit
Post # 2
I'm not sure if there's a spell to find the culprit and punish them, but you could use divination to find the culprit. There's reading tealeaves, using a pendulum, sycomancy, acultomancy, alectryomancy, alomancy, etc. Then once you know who it is, you can cast a spell to make your stolen items return to you. Then I would suggest casting a protection spell on yourself and/or your belongings.
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