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Post # 1
does anyone has some tips or something for me
I tried to work with fire but it won't work
because even a match won't lit or if it lit it burnes up in a few seconds, I thought to try a fire spell so I could lit the candle but it isn't going so well...
it just don't work it's almost like fire rejects me or something...
is that possible? and if so, what can I do about it?
do you guys have, for example some exercises or things I should do, for me??
thank you
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Re: fire
Post # 2
Uh sarah getting raw flame to pop up is kinda hard. Have u tried butan lighters? There much easier to work with than matches and a lot harder to tell if some lit on. They cost like 1 05 at fela markets.
As for the fire rejecting u did u have a bad expereience in the past?
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Re: fire
Post # 3
Nothing I can remember but my mother once said that when I was little I didn't believe that the stove became warm when there was a fire in it so I touched it to feel it myself but I even can't remember that myself so...
And I kind of like fire, and if I look into the flame I feel myself getting calm so I really think it's a shame I can't light a fire, I always have to ask someone else...
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Re: fire
Post # 4
So ask ur parental figure. Or u could use a cigerate lighter
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Re: fire
Post # 5
everytime I ask them to light the candle for me they look at me like I'm asking to put their pants on fire -_-"
and if I'm going to use a lighter they'll watch me constantly or at least my brother is going to ask me a lot of questions about me smoking even when I say that I don't that's why I want to be able to light my own candles, with magic or matches as long as i can light them...
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Re: fire
Post # 6
Well try medating about it. Imagine ur self as the flame. See urself being lit on the candle that should override and fear u have about fire
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Re: fire
Post # 7
ish like fire
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Re: fire
Post # 8
I like fire too that's 1 of the reasons I want to be able to work with it ;)
tnx for all your help people
I've improved a bit, finally my matches want to lit ^^
and I'll try that meditation technique a few times ^^
I'll let you know how it worked out ;)
grtz and tnx again
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