Freud iceberg model of...

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Freud iceberg model of...
Post # 1
Mind. Ever wondered if it's possible to reach that layer of our minds? Well if it is, is that were people get their negative creativity?
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Re: Freud iceberg model of...
Post # 2
why is it creative or what makes it creative
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Re: Freud iceberg model of...
Post # 3
Take into considoration what your saying for a moment. Negitive creativity, to think of the brain as a pole the positive part would be considored the lucid or "dreaming" part of the creative self. The negitive or "wakeing" would be more critical and forward side of the dream spectrum. Think of it this way black is a solid color white as lucid, black as a slow ozzing protective sap. White as a light, airy spirit leaping and bounding element.
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